Hacking Cartero

Some additional instructions for people interested in running cartero.


This project makes use of Meson, whether you like it or not. If you are used to GNOME app development, you might already like it. Otherwise, you'll have to accept it.

However, treating this source code workspace as a standard Rust project makes sense because then you can use autocompletion and other Rust tools. Therefore, to make things easier, there is an aux script that you can use to quickly rebuild the application data files (resource bundles, translations, icons, GLib schemas) and move them to the target/ directory:


You should check the contents of the script before running it. But it will precompile parts of the application using meson and the run cargo build. You can then call cargo r, cargo t or whatever you plan on doing with the code.

"But Meson sucks, stick with Cargo!"

I don't disagree with this statement, in fact. I feel like Meson is not as flexible as other build systems like CMake, specially when it comes to creating and running custom commands. This has the effect of making the integration between Rust and Meson very fragile.

Meson is an opinionated tool. However, Cargo is also a very opinionated tool. Meson will invoke Cargo when it is time to build the executable file by just issuing the cargo build external command, but the build script still has to copy a lot of files to Meson's build directory so that both tools can coexist without shilling at each other publicly on your terminal.

Why does Cartero use Meson?

  • Because there is actually more than Rust for this project and Meson knows how to compile the resource bundles, update the locales and generate the desktop files for Cartero.

  • Because it ticks a checkbox when it comes to aligning to the GNOME guidelines, which this project intends to follow, even though Cartero supports a wide variety of operating systems and desktop environments.

Due to these things, switching to build.rs will not fix things at all, it will just turn the tables upside down, making Rust code easier to build at the expense of making every non-Rust resource way more difficult to compile.

But I want to use cargo build

I know, and it makes a lot of sense, because chances are that you are using a text editor or IDE (this includes GNOME Builder) with some developer tools such as rust-analyzer, and this directory will probably want to use target to do its stuff and provide completions.

cargo build will just care about compiling the application provided that you have every system dependency installed (GTK, GtkSourceView...). It doesn't care about whether the resources or translations have been bundled.

Theferore, cargo build has to work anyway. You should be able to just run cargo build in a clean workspace and it has to compile the application. If it doesn't work, then that's a bug.

However, since you need the resource bundle and the translation files, cargo run will not work unless you place them in your target directory as well, as I tried to explain above.

Cartero will follow the standard UNIX directory standards. Therefore, it expects to be running inside some kind of bindir and by default it will assume that the datafiles are in ../share.

In normal circunstances, your bindir will be /usr/bin and therefore the datafiles will be in /usr/bin/../share => /usr/share.

However, because Cargo will build the application into a subdirectory inside of target, whether that's target/debug or target/release, this directory can act as a valid bindir. If the datafiles are placed into target/share, then Cartero has to run.

And that is exactly what build-aux/cargo-build.sh does. So if you want to use cargo build and cargo run, just use build-aux/cargo-build.sh, which calls cargo build for you, and additionally it runs the Meson targets required to craft a valid pkgdatadir. It will then proceed to deploy them into target/share, which will act as the datadir for the app when you run it with cargo build. The workflow will be:

build-aux/cargo-build.sh && cargo run

If you notice that your user interface files are not updating or your translations are not being picked up, you can just run rm -rf build/data or rm -rf target/share and try again. (If you have to do this a lot, this is probably a bug.)