Compiling on macOS

The process is not very clean at the moment.

  1. Homebrew should be installed.
  2. Install Rust (suggestion: rustup)
  3. The following packages should be installed via Homebrew. They have a lot of dependencies, so take your time. (Note: if the packages are built from source, you may need to install svn -- svn is not required when bottles are used).
    • meson
    • gtk4
    • gtksourceview5
    • desktop-file-utils
    • pygobject3
    • libadwaita
    • adwaita-icon-theme
    • shared-mime-info
  4. To automatically build an app, use the script build-aux/ As long as you have all the dependencies installed, it will compile an application into build/cartero-darwin. Use build-aux/ devel to build a development version and build-aux/ stable to build a stable version.
  5. If you want to compile manually (for instance, if you are going to actually develop on a Mac), before compiling, you have to export the following environment variable: export GETTEXT_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/opt/gettext, so that it can actually pick your gettext library.
  6. To compile the application manually, refer to Specifically, both cargo build and build-aux/ should run as long as you have all the dependencies.