
Thank you for your interest in helping Cartero grow! This document will provide information and tips on how to help the project.

Contributing with code

If you plan on contributing to the project, use the development profile. It will also configure a Git hook so that the source code is checked prior to authoring a Git commit. The hook runs cargo fmt to assert that the code is formatted. Read hooks/pre-commit.hook to inspect what the script does.

meson setup build -Dprofile=development

This project is highly appreciative of contributions. If you know about Rust, GTK or the GNOME technologies and want to help during the development, you can contribute if you wish. Fork the project and commit your code.

Some checklist rules before submitting a pull request:

  • Use a feature branch, do not make your changes in the trunk branch directly.

  • Rebase your code and make sure that you are working on top of the most recent version of the trunk branch, in case something has changed while you were working on your code.

  • Update the locales if you changed strings. The ninja target that you are looking for is called cartero-update-po (such as ninja -C build cartero-update-po). Don't worry, you don't have to translate the strings by yourself, but make sure that the new templates are added to the .po and .pot files.

  • Use the pre-commit hook. The pre-commit hook will validate that your code is formatted. It should be automatically configured if you run Meson in development mode (-Dprofile=development), but you can install it on your own or run hooks/pre-commit.hook.

The project is starting small, so if you want to do something big, it is best to first start a discussion thread with your proposal in order to see how to make it fit inside the application.

This project is published with the GNU General Public License 3.0 or later. Therefore, your contribution will be checked out into the repository under that license. Make sure you are comfortable with the license before contributing. Specifically, while you retain copyrights of your contribution, you acknowledge that you allow anyone to use, study or distribute any code you write under the terms of that license.

This application is not affiliated with the GNOME project, but we follow the GNOME Code of Conduct anyway as a guideline and we expect you to follow it when interacting with the repository.

Use of Generative AI

This project does not allow contributions generated by large languages models (LLMs) and chatbots. This ban includes tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Copilot, DeepSeek, and Devin AI. We are taking these steps as precaution due to the potential negative influence of AI generated content on quality, as well as likely copyright violations.

This ban of AI generated content applies to all parts of the projects, including, but not limited to, code, documentation, issues, and artworks. An exception applies for purely translating texts for issues and comments to English.

AI tools can be used to answer questions and find information. However, we encourage contributors to avoid them in favor of using existing documentation and our discussion page. Since AI generated information is frequently misleading or false, we cannot supply support on anything referencing AI output.

Contributing with translations

Do you want to use Cartero in your language? We are using Weblate to coordinate and translate comfortably this project using a web interface. Make an account and start proposing strings and they will be added to the application. That will also entitle you as a contributor!

Contributing with feedback

Cartero is still getting new features, and hopes to be as useful as it can be. Found a bug or something is wrong? Report it. An use case you are missing? Report it. Show us how you integrate Cartero on your workflow so that we can build our diverse list of use cases.