NixOS Flake
Use this approach to install, build or try cartero on a nixos system. Instructions assume you're using a flakes nixos system, but you could install it in a regular nixos system aswell by importing the derivation and adding the appropiate src attribute on it, note that this may require some manual intervation though.
First of all, add cartero to your flake inputs so you can import the package.
inputs = {
cartero.url = "github:danirod/cartero";
Then in your home.packages
(when using home manager) or environment.systemPackages
(global nix packages), add the derivation.
environment.systemPackages = [
Tip: You can try changing the architecture, not tested in every arch atm though.
Another way is by making a nixpkgs overlay to add cartero and then install it easily.
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(_: final: let
inherit (inputs) cartero;
inherit (final) system;
in {
cartero = cartero.packages.${system}.default
And then in the packages list of your choice.
home.packages = with pkgs; [
Note: You may need to reboot the system or relogin to be able to see cartero on your launcher